Info Hub
Descoperiți universul Parlamentului European participând la evenimente pe teme de actualitate, vizitând expoziții care vă oferă subiecte de reflecție și consultând materialele de cercetare disponibile la Info Hub.
The Polish Presidency of the Council of the European Union started on 1 January and runs until 30 June 2025.
The Council is the EU institution representing member state governments and every six months, the presidency of this institution rotates among them.The presiding country sets the EU agenda, focusing on priorities and pressing issues.
Individual registrations for EYE 2025 are now open. Are you between 16 and 30 years old? Interested in engaging and feeling empowered at the heart of European democracy? Then join us at EYE 2025 on 13-14 June in Strasbourg! Registration is open until 21 February on a first come first served basis sign up now to avoid disappointment. Approved participants will be informed by mid-March.