Info Hub
Posjetite Info Hub i uronite dublje u svijet Europskog parlamenta: ondje ćete saznati više o aktualnim događanjima, moći posjetiti izložbe koje potiču na razmišljanje i imati pristup istraživačkim materijalima.
The sculpture “Yellow Whirl” by Zsófi Barabás complements the temporary art exhibition dedicated to the Hungarian Presidency of the Council of the EU located inside the European Parliament. This sculpture represents artworks from the Art Collection of the European Parliament and the collection of the Central Bank of Hungary.
The sixth edition of the EYE will take place on 13 and 14 June 2025, offering an interactive and dynamic mix of activities, debates, workshops, visits, artistic performances and much more – both inside the European Parliament in Strasbourg and around in the EYE Village.