Lunchtime tours every Tuesday 


Lunchtime tours every Tuesday

Dom európskej histórie

October Lunch Tours theme – "Senses"

Vek cieľovej skupiny 16 rokov
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Lunchtime tours every Tuesday

Dom európskej histórie
Vek cieľovej skupiny 16 rokov

Take part in a themed tour of the exhibition on your lunch break. No booking required.


October Lunch Tours theme – "Senses"

Let’s get our senses into action! Do you think it is possible to see, hear, taste, feel or smell European history? Come and find out in our Lunch Tour series about the senses. Maybe European History will make more sense.



1 October – See

Let’s have a closer look! Do your eyes deceive you? Apart from beauty, is history also in the eye of the beholder? Let’s see for ourselves!

8 October – Hear

Do you hear the people sing? Let’s listen carefully to the sounds in the museum? Music to your ears, or just noise? Come and make up your mind during this Lunch Tour.

15 October – Taste

We have a taste for history in the museum! Let’s cleanse our palette and discover the stories of taste in this Lunch Tour!

22 October – Touch

We’ve got a feeling - that this will be a sensitive Lunch Tour. Let’s touch upon some historical facts and find our way in the dark of our collection.

29 October – Smell

The smell of victory? What does that smell like? And or there any other odours specific to European history. Find out today on this Lunch Tour about smell.

More info


Dom európskej histórie

Rue Belliard/Belliardstraat 135
1000 Brusel


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