Lunchtime tours every Tuesday  

04-02-2025 sa 25-02-2025

Lunchtime tours every Tuesday

Dar l-Istorja Ewropea

February Lunch Tours theme – "What’s love got to do with it?"

L-età tal-udjenza fil-mira 16 -il sena
aaa Lingwi disponibbli matul l-attività EN, FR

Lunchtime tours every Tuesday

Dar l-Istorja Ewropea
L-età tal-udjenza fil-mira 16 -il sena
aaa Lingwi disponibbli matul l-attività EN, FR

Take part in a themed tour of the exhibition on your lunch break. No booking required.


February Lunch Tours theme – "What’s love got to do with it?"

Love makes the world go round and the House of European History holds many lovely objects and stories. Come and discover them as you fall in love with history!



4 February – Feelings

’I feel it in my fingers, I feel it in my toes.’ Discover the many different feelings that played a part in European history.

11 February – Valentine’s Day

The museum is the perfect spot for a romantic date! Surprise your Valentine with a tour and discover the many loving stories in our collection!

18 February – Do you love your language?

I love you, Je t’aime, Ich liebe dich, Rakastan sinua, Σ' αγαπώ... come and share your love for your mother tongue because this week we also celebrate ‘International Mother Language Day’!

25 February – LOVE IS LOVE!

Take a closer look at some stories from the LGBTQIA+ community, their struggle to love who they want and the waves they made in European history. Love wins!

More info


Dar l-Istorja Ewropea

Rue Belliard / Belliardstraat 135
1000 Brussell

Kuntatt Kif tasal hemm

Għall-Parlament Ewropew, ieqaf fl-istazzjon Bruxelles-Luxembourg.

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